Junk is a burden. It’s not just a matter of aesthetics, but also safety and health. If you’re thinking about hiring professional junk removal services, here’s why it’s important. Most of the time you should leave it to the pros at Murray and Sons.
It can make your house look bad.
Junk is a safety hazard, especially if it’s in the garage or attic. It can be a health hazard when you get sick from the dust and other particles that are part of junk removal; it can also cause allergies or asthma attacks. Junk takes up space and makes your home less energy efficient because of its weight, which means more money spent on utilities (and heating/cooling bills). Finally, junk adds to pollution by adding to the amount of garbage being tossed out each day—and this waste doesn’t go away once it’s dropped off at the curb!
Junk attracts rodents and other pests.
If you have junk lying around your home, it’s going to attract rats, mice, roaches and spiders. In fact, a study from Purdue University found that junk attracts more than half of all insects in North America! These pests will find a safe haven in any area where food is available (like your attic) or where water can collect (like inside the walls). They also like places where they can hide from predators like birds who might eat them if they were left alone with nothing else around but some old textbooks or clothes on hangers hanging from nails in the wall above them!
The same goes for bats who would much rather live in an abandoned building full of crumbs than one filled with boxes full of snacks, since those contain potential food sources that aren’t partaking in these activities yet anyway–so why bother?
Junk can be dangerous. It’s true that some junk is so old or flammable or otherwise hazardous that it should be removed by professionals (and only professionals). But there are plenty of other pieces of furniture and other household items which don’t present an immediate health threat—but could still cause problems if they were left out in the open for too long.
If you’re thinking about hiring someone to come haul away your old couch or mattress, consider asking them first how they’d handle any potential hazards on site before making a decision. For example: would they wear protective gear? Would they use special tools like saws and drills? What kind of insurance coverage does the company provide? The answers will tell you whether this service fits within your risk tolerance level—and whether there’s anything else about their services worth considering before hiring them!
If you’re looking to get rid of your junk, the first thing that you need to do is identify what exactly it is that you have. Once you know what type of junk it is and its value, then we can work together on how best to approach its disposal.